03 Jul

In my last post, I shared my experiences riding along the scenic trails of the remotest parts of Gisagara. When I made it to Nyanza, I spun around the former Royal Ville before taking a break at Nyamagana Dam. 

Built by King Mutara III Rudahigwa in the 1940s, Nyamagana Dam was a fish farming project implemented with technical assistance from a Belgian expert namely Dubois. When prolonged droughts led to the devastating famine of 1943 - 44, the king dug deep in a bid to feed his people.

Nyanza was the capital of the Kingdom of Rwanda during the tail end of the highly centralized monarchy. During my tour of the present-day capital of the Southern Province, I saw the footprints of the aforementioned king and his predecessors.

While visiting the Nyamagana Dam, I strolled around the reservoir and soaked up the beauty of the environs. One step at a time, my mind wandered through the years. As this was happening, branches of trees swayed back and forth, dancing to the tune of the whistling wind.

On the other side of the dam, I saw a dirt trail that reminded me of the ones I navigated en route to Nyanza. It was at this point when I made a decision to ride to Ruhango (my next stop) through the same routes, but that is a story for another day.

After a leisurely walk around the dam, I sat on the bench and sipped some water. When I did so, I felt like a beach goer. The cool breeze from the dam and the sight of the gentle waves created a lake getaway atmosphere.